University Objectives
The university seeks to achieve the following goals:
1. To be a national and Arab representative and has expertise in its field of competence.
2. Enhancing the university's role in producing and transferring knowledge and skills to serve the community.
3. Strengthening the relationship between the university and the local community through visiting programs and establishing joint activities.
4. Providing all consulting and administrative services in accordance with the standards of quality, efficiency and transparency.
5. Setting programs to develop the capabilities of the faculty and staff at the university to improve their performance and provide the necessary incentives for that.
6. Strengthening scientific and cultural ties with Arab and foreign universities, scientific organizations, and research and development centers, in a way that helps the university develop and enhance its position
7. Developing knowledge by conducting scientific research in various fields of knowledge, whether at the individual or group level, and directing them to serve the needs of society and development plans.
8. That the university occupies the center stage in terms of offering scholarships to distinguished students and providing systematic programs aimed at honing skills and innovations and graduating specialized quality cadres.
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