University's President Welcome Message
We live these days in light of rapid scientific and technological developments, the effects of which have affected various aspects of our cultural, economic and social life, and have spread to various parts of the earth, north, south, east and west - urban and rural - female and male.
Education is one of the areas most closely related to these rapidly changing changes and developments globally, where education constitutes a tool for these developments and the extension of its words, which has made education a major field for the race between nations and peoples, and a practical measure of the extent and development of nations and peoples. One of the most important factors in planning and components of investment and an essential input for sustainable economic and social development is the interest in education at the individual or institutional levels - popular or government.
Young people are the group that bears the responsibility of carrying the banner of this development and its consequences, including the responsibility to raise the quality and level of education they receive to suit the current developments and the requirements of those developments. It is no longer possible after these developments and these responsibilities that our youth continue to learn traditionally that is not commensurate with their characteristics, inclinations and abilities, and does not correspond to the requirements of the current economic and social development, which creates with it a large gap between what is called supply and demand in society and the labor market, which results in it. More unemployment, social deviations and problems that young people fall into from poverty, illiteracy and loss.
And out of our deep belief in the precious value of our youth and their importance in developing our Yemeni society and its future development, and bearing our responsibilities in helping our youth to gain their right to a good education appropriate to their inclinations, abilities and requirements for the development of their society, which enables them to participate effectively in building a society based on knowledge and science, we are pleased to provide this guide to guide Our sons and daughters, male and female students, how to make the best choice for the future profession that suits their preferences and abilities, and what educational qualifications require in various stages, and how to do this with the least possible negative results. We wish everyone success and success ,,,
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