University Values
The university seeks to achieve the following values:
1. Excellence in creating innovative and critical scientific thinking skills
2. Quality in the formation of a general culture aimed at developing the elements of knowledge and scientific personality
3. Leadership in acquiring the necessary scientific, technical, technical and applied knowledge and skills to harness problems effectively and efficiently.
4. Innovation in the formation of critical analytical scientific thinking skills through the development of positive trends towards science and technology and its rapid developments and how to benefit from all of this in developing and resolving issues of labor market requirements.
5. Equality in teaching and empowering the student with the methods and methods of conducting scientific research, applying and evaluating it.
6. Cooperation by developing positive talents and skills toward work in general, with a focus on developing teamwork, active leadership, a sense of responsibility, and commitment to professional ethics.
7. Loyalty by establishing a correct vision stemming from the comprehensive horizons of Islamic knowledge through loyalty to God and the homeland and its perception of the universe, man and life
8. Transparency through commitment to justice, credibility and objectivity in all fields and respect for intellectual property rights in accordance with the laws regulating this locally and internationally.
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